Patient Care Assistant

Patient Care Assistant Provided by Priority Cares

For those in New York City who require basic sociability and supervision of their safety and wellbeing, Priority Cares offers in-home care assistant services.

Why choose Priority Cares for Patient Care Assistant

All people, regardless of age, need to communicate. Remoteness, indifference, and despair are caused by a lack of socializing...

Make an appointment

We will help you feel better, get the assistance that you needed by booking yourself an appointment. We will be happy to assist you.

Book appointment  

Working Hours

Always there to care.

Monday to Friday

8:00 AM – 7:30 PM

Sat / Sun


  Call us anytime (718) 400-6166 ext 0

As your trusted partner, Priority Cares Home Services is dedicated to helping you access the specialized care you need. Our team is experienced in navigating Medicaid waiver programs like NHTD, TBI, and PCA to ensure you receive the best possible care and support. Count on us to be your gateway to these services and prioritize your well-being every step of the way.

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