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  Posted: September 17, 2023

The Disadvantages of Free VPN

Free VPNs are an excellent option for those who want to test a service without spending a dime. However, they are often accompanied with limitations and disadvantages. In contrast to premium providers, they don’t invest in their infrastructure, and offer smaller servers and slower speeds. Free VPNs also have limitations on the amount of data that you can use per month, which makes them not suitable for torrenting or streaming.

They may not always provide adequate encryption. Therefore, they could allow hackers to index spy on your online activities, and even steal personal information. This could be risky if bad actors used your details to commit fraud or take credit card numbers or even drain your account.

Furthermore, many free VPNs are ad-supported, and bombard you with ads that slow down your internet speed. Ads not only consume your data and Wi-Fi, but can also weigh down your computer’s central processing unit (CPU) and operating system. Furthermore, some of these ads are infected with malware and can make your online experience more difficult and unsafe.

Another issue with free vpn is that they often sell your browsing information to third-party. This can compromise your privacy since websites and apps begin to show ads based upon your private information that you had hoped to keep private with the VPN. Paid VPNs don’t do this. They use the money you pay to create new features or upgrade their infrastructure and enhance security.